Monday, September 8, 2014

Why I choose Foreign Language.....Selena

Almost, anytime I encourage someone to consider foreign language they usually say something like, I can barely speak English. So, some may wonder what makes a person want to go into a foreign field, in which, they basically have to start over. For me it was the sheer thought of how much FUN it would be. The thought of meeting people from around the world excites me greatly. Learning a new language is like decoding a secret message. I love every minute from learning to speak it and read it and all sorts of languages. It has increased my understanding of others and my love for mankind. 

I was at a District convention and the brother from the stage said, (I can still see him in my mind) why don't you consider doing a foreign language. Forunately, this was during one of my lucid moments ( I have a hard time staying awake) anyway, I thought to myself "yeah why not?" Once I determine this was something I really wanted to do, I next decided which language. I really liked three: Russian, French and Spanish. Spanish seemed too common and not new and exciting. Russian had those horrible symbols so I decided French is it.  

When I first walked through the door of the French East Congregation of Atlanta..I knew one word of French and the was "Oui". But, my sister so loving bought me a audio set of Primseuler language cd's. I listened to them every day and when I came home from work I would pour over my books and internet until sometimes 3 am in the morning. I was total in love with the ministry. This increased my zeal to extreme high heights. I began to understand the truth in a whole new way. Of course, all this lovely stuff doesn't come with out persecution and it rained down hard but Jehovah carried me through and I survived. I realized that I couldn't learn and grow to maturity unless I suffered in the same way Christ learned. 

I went from French to Swahili to Burmese and now to Laotian. I am having the time of my life. I got to go to Myanmar for the special convention and now have the hope before me to travel to Thailand to preach. 

So, I don't mean to write a book I guess you guys can tell I am long winded. I'll end my monologue now and insert some pictures of my ministry.!!

Thanks for visiting!
Linda and Day Meh-She has since had surgery and looks (as she will tell you) Beautiful!

It is not unsual in the Burmese field to have may 5 or more friends assist in studying with over 10 or 15 people in one home. You take off your shoes, sit on the floor and get to work!

This is a Dear Sister Helen who has presevered to assist her students. Sometimes in the middle of night or long hours at the hospital. 

This is a Karenni student that used to attend meetings with her father. 

A Karenni Family the mother could read Burmese and learned to read English rather quickly. The son used to attend meetings. 
This is my Nee Nee, she is Kayin and studied for 2 and more years. At first she did not speak one word or English and now she is pretty fluent. 

This is me- a rare dress up moment!!

This is Mika's study-she was so sweet and studied for a long period of time but didn't want to give up betel nut so she quit. 

This is Mika, she joined the group and got busy and now speaks Kayin fluently. She since married and now her husband had joined her in Kayin also. 

It was soo funny for several meals we ordered for Nee Nee since she spoke very little English at the time and was not used to Restaurants and menus. I'm guessing she did not like our choices for her. So, she found enough English wordd to tell me that she likes 'Vegetables and Meat.' So now finally, as you can see she is happy with her meal!!

My Kayin bag 

Brother Henry Graham and Nee Nee. Brother HG has been a value asset to us sister in the field!
Bo Shi Shi -is Kayin and draws like the best of them (self protrait)
Young brother Tray was a natural teaching the Students Alphabets

Mon Bee-Aye, Aloise, Pourquio-G, Can't remember-At the South Deshon Kingdom Hall

My nephew on the right-Kalan involved with Bulgarian would come down and help me out with studies-This weekend was practice putting on a Tie..looks like the tie is winning -!


Brother Pau..he is Chin and helped us out with studies also, since many Karen, Karenni understand Burmese he was a value asset. We also have many chin in Atlanta..!

Sis Pau-had many health challenges but now she doing much better-she was right by his side in service-Love her too much!!

Pourquoi-Love studying the bible-when he leared Jehovah's name he was so zealous about teaching was beautiful to see!

A bible student was so appreciative of our help, he gave my nephew a matching Kayin shirt!!
Seour Phillip was my right hand in foreign language-I picked her up in French and she was by my side in Swahili and Burmese. She is resting now but I looked forward to seeing her in the Paradise!
Jerome and Aloise at the 2-day assembly in Conyers..They were dressed to impress!
Young sis loved to work with me and help teach-She was an excellent partner..!

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