Special Convention in Myanmar!

Ava M Saunders

For me, getting to Myanmar took prayer all the way. I had to pray to Jehovah form the time I received the application to the time I got home. Needless to say, Jehovah was with me all the way. 

From the beginning I prayed that it be Jehovah's will. I knew that I should not apply if I had no money to go on the trip. But I wanted to go so badly! How do you work in a language so hard and not get to visit the country when the opportunity arises? I felt that my Father would want that for me. So, before I filled out the application my prayer was that if it wasn't Jehovah's will my application not be accepted while at the same time reminding Jehovah that I had no money to get there. Well, after months of waiting, we found out that we were accepted as delegates to go to Myanmar. This is when my faith was really tested. 
I was doing cleaning work. I drove all over Atlanta. My car began to overheat on me. Yep! My car died on me. It overheated while on my way to a cleaning job! Now I had no car, and no way to make money to fix the car or get to Myanmar. Sounds terrible huh? Well, of course you already know that Jehovah worked things out. The sister I worked for provided her car to get to clients homes. I put my old, previously very faithful vehicle on Craigslist to sell. It paid for part of my ticket to Myanmar. A friend offered to sponsor me, that is another part. Now, I only had to get back to Atlanta from San Francisco, but I wasn't going to worry about that until I was back in the US.
Myanmar was an experience like no other. It was truly amazing. Jehovah's spirit flowed! Just meeting all the friends was enough to fill my heart but when we witnessed over 200 getting baptized, that was the icing on the cake! We had been working so hard to teach Burmese refugees in Georgia for several years and never saw one symbolize their dedication to Jehovah. It was truly elating!
So after what can only be called one of the best experiences of my life, we headed home. By the way, if you ever fly to Southeast Asia try to fly with Singapore Airlines, it is the best airline in the world! We got back to the US and Selena had about 6 hours before her connecting flight. I had no ticket yet. We began to search the internet to find the cheapest fare. We started our search in Singapore but found none while there. I tried a few times but something would always happen just when I was about to purchase the ticket. But finally, Selena was able to secure the ticket. We flew separate airlines but arrived home the same night. Fortunately, there was enough money left in my bank account to cover my flight from San Francisco to Atlanta.
My advice for anyone that wants to reach out for any special privileges in Jehovah's service is to pray ALL THE WAY!
I have lots of pictures to share. I hope you enjoy them.​​

 Me going to a foreign country was almost impossible to imagine. Why? well for one thing I don't have any money what so ever and traveling abroad is expensive. Also, I'm terrified of my own shadow so accomplishing something so big was overwhelming to me..Yes, I have to admit it my faith was weak in this area. 

Well, step by step Jehovah encouraged me from getting the Passport, visa and finally the plane ticket. This was over my head so I know Jehovah arranged things. My sister sold many things in her garage and even a playset in her back yard to pay for my ticket. I was humbled. No one has done something so big for me but my little sister came throught.

Traveling abroad frighten me because the news I see from third world countries is scary but as I learned from personal experience news is designed to get your attention...what better way then to frighten you..! 

I had the time of my life, the Branch took care of us like we were babies. Never were we left alone and if we had the slighted concern or questions we merely had to walk a few steps. Purified water was supply in mass. Friends were posted in the lobbies to welcome us and answer our questions. 

We were able to get beyond our fears and see that the people in this country could use encouragement and good news. Living abroad will take a few adjustments but it's nothing like I thought. All those unfounded fears were blown away.

Our brothers and sisters in this country truly extend themselves in their ministry. It was a total beautiful experience. What was even more touching was to see the American friends hearts begin to change and decide to return to serve where the need was great. It was a transformation like a caterpiller turning into a butterfly.

My heart is still in Asia and I pray for Jehovah to help me find my way back. We choose Thailand but who knows where Jehovah may want to send us but where ever it is I have his assurance and promise that he will be with me until the conclusion of the system of things.

Now for the fun part--Pictures of our trip.


  1. I see so many of our friends in the pics. Monica, Delhi, Jennifer, Rod, Sis Coes etc. Looks like you had fun! We had the privilege to attend the Special Convention in manila a few months before and it was amazing as well! :)
