Thursday, September 4, 2014

Basement life

Ava and I decided to give up our apartment with it's endless stream of bills coming in..! Water, trash, sewer, cable (only got this b.c the bundle was cheaper then straight internet), internet, gas, electricity, insurance, phone. It never stopped and there was no way in the world we could save up for our dream to serve where the need is great with so many bills coming in. So, we prayfully made a decision to give up the money hog (our apartment ( - =  ) and live in a basement apartment. Jehovah immediately provided a sister that was willing to rent to us to very very cheap and no extra bills just one set fee. Truly a blessing from Jehovah.

This blessing has allowed Ava to build up her teaching on line business so when we leave she is able to support herself. It allowed me to put away some funds and work on my on line business. 

I tell you the truth Jehovah really does take care of his people!!

It has not been all roses..we don't have a kitchen but that's when we improvise and make it work. We have a toaster oven, several hot plates, you seen our refrigerator. Then when I wash the dishes I get water from the tub and wash the dishes in a bucket and use another with rinse water..!!

So where there's a will theres a way. It's a freeing life style because we are not tied to stressful jobs. We can go out in service and have a good time knowing Jehovah will continue to care for our needs!!

This is where I wash the dishes. I get water from the bathroom and fill the tubs.

This is the main cooking area-two hot plates-it was three but sadly one doesn't work anymore ) -=

Okay here is our toaster oven and I found I can cook pies and cake in that little thing-sadly the refrig doesn't work much. So, instead we use the ice chest on wheels!!

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