Monday, November 24, 2014

No No No We're not Crazy!!

We're not crazy just working on being simple so we are learning to make our own foods such as Tea from plants 
we can find in the backyard and Yes..Today I made my own butter!! (see the pic) isn't it pretty?  

You probably wonder what does it taste like..well the only way to know for sure is to visit us and have a sit down. Or you can make it yourself. But, since I test my concoctions on Ava, we have to go by her opinion and she loves it!!

The Tea is Pine Needles, Rosemary stems, Orange tree leaves, dandelion leaves once the water has boiled you let your tea rest for 2 hours. Then you can add some ginger root and Lemon. To sweeten we use maple syrup (the pure grade not flavored syrup).

The b utter was easy, no I didn't milk my own cows but I bought some heavy whipping cream and put it in the blender and blend it for about ten minutes until it starts to separate and get a little grainy. Pour the butter milk off and use it for something else and scoop out your butter..Walla!! Homemade butter!!

1 comment:

  1. Thats a wonderful idea! I too make my own butter large cheapest bottle of cream i add just a touch of salt beat till seperates no chemical additives ya!
